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About Sri Ramachandra Swami

Sri Ramachandra Swami was born in a poor family. He has a brother and a sister of which he is the youngest.  In his young age, he was a strong atheist and extremist. From his childhood, he showed an extraordinary passion for philanthropic activities. He was a regular visitor of a nearby government hospital where cancer patients were treated. He used to assist nurses in cleaning and dressing their wounds.



He continued with his atheist ideology. Years passed by. One day, he was diagnosed with a serious illness. Doctor ruled out his survival. He felt desperate, and it changed his perception towards life. He started preparing for his death by getting organized and completing all his unfinished tasks. He found life to be short, void and something one doesn’t have control of. He felt helplessness. Slowly his atheist ideology started to erode. 


One day he had a strange inner feeling to eat some of the herbs nearby Sarpa Kaavu temple and he did so. Strangely on next check-up, his medical report showed, he was completely cured. He returned back to collect more herbs for other patients. However, he could never find them ever after. By then he was completely transformed and became an ardent devotee of Lord Anjaneya. He believed Lord Anjaneya had chosen him to be his servant; to serve mankind and render service to the poor and needy. He attained bliss at his ancestral temple, Kallupurakkal Sree Khanda Karna Temple which is situated at Thottakamat Vaikom. His consoles and remedies gave people a great relief to their pain and misery. Soon he was dearly known as “Sri Ramachandra Swami“.


He led a common life and secured a postman job. His service as postman gave him more opportunity to visit houses, interact closely with poor people and share their griefs, and console & help them. His caring and compassionate nature drew villagers more closer to him. His parents wanted him to marry and got him married to a girl from nearby village. They had two children and led an ordinary life, but continued to be an ardent devotee of Lord Anjaneya and an active philanthropic activist.


There was an interesting incident about him. During his job as postman, he got promoted as Postmaster. During this tenure, he was awarded with The Best PostMaster award by postal division. But office work of Postmaster, stopped him from meeting people like before. He was disturbed and requested postal division to demote him back to Postman. Since granting of demotion was officially uncommon, they declined his request. He then filed a case in court to secure demotion and finally he got it. He again became a postman and enjoyed his interactions with poor people. His vision was to love and do selfless services to others. To launch more philantropic activities, he established Anjaneya Math. To encourage more people, with more than 200 members, a trust was formed with the name Anjaneya Charitable Trust. He moved from his home to a small room built adjacent to the temple and accepted Brahmacharyam (celibate life) and got completely involved in Lord Anjaneya’s worship and services for poor. His family was taken care by providing the small house they had owned during his job and the monthly pension.


Under “Anjaneya Charitable Trust“, several activities were launched with the participation of people; like distributing school aids to children with poor financial condition, distributing food and providing monthly pensions to poor. Out of which “Karunya Sparsham” Scheme is unique and it provides financial aid for the treatment of poor cancer patients. “SadhuJanaChikilsaSahayaNidhi” is another fund to aid poor for their medical treatment. Retirement home for destitute also function from the premise of Anjaneya Math. Today, Anjaneya Math has become a holy land of Service by the people from various religions, caste, creed, gender and economy status. His simple life as a Karma Yogi, inspires people to think that service ought to be done not in spirit of pity or sympathy, but in a spirit of empathy and dedication. People visiting him from different parts of country agree that they experience a bliss and peace; especially when they are near their beloved Guru, Sri Ramachandra Swami.

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